In 1919. When the flu killed 40 million people, there was this doctor that visited the many farmers to see if he could help them combat the flu. Many of the farmers and their family had contracted it, and many died.
The doctor came upon this one farmer, and to his surprise, everyone was very healthy.
When the doctor asked what the farmer was doing that was different, the wife replied that she had placed an unpeeled onion in a dish in the rooms of the home (probably only two rooms back then).
The doctor couldn't believe it, and asked if he could have one of the onions, and place it under the microscope.
She gave him one, and when he did this, he did find the flu virus in the onion.
It obviously absorbed the bacteria, therefore keeping the family healthy. 顯然,洋蔥吸收了病菌,因此讓這家人保持健康。Now, I heard this story from my hairdresser in Arizona.
She said that several years ago, many of her employees were coming down with the flu, and so were many of her customers.
The next year, she placed several bowls with onions around in her shop. To her surprise, none of her staff got sick. It must work . . .
(And no, she is not in the onion business.)
(真的,她並不做洋蔥的生意。)The moral of the story is, buy some onions and place them in bowls around your home.
If you work at a desk, place one or two in your office, or under your desk, or even on top somewhere.
Try it and see what happens.
試試看效果怎麼樣。We did it last year, and we never got the flu.
我們去年做了,沒有人得流感。If this helps you and your loved ones from getting sick, all the better.
If you do get the flu, it just might be a mild case.
如果你仍然得了感冒,也許會是比較輕微的症狀。Whatever, what have you to lose?
Just a few bucks on onions!
Now there is a P. S. to this for I sent it to a friend in Oregon who regularly contributes material to me on health issues.
She replied with this most interesting experience about onions:
她回復說了關於洋蔥的最有趣的實驗:I don't know about the farmer’s story, but I do know that I contracted pneumonia, and needless to say I was very ill.
I came across an article that said to cut both ends off an onion, put one end on a fork, and then place the forked end into an empty jar, placing the jar next to the sick patient at night.
It said the onion would be black in the morning from the germs.
Sure enough, it happened just like that.
The onion was a mess, and I began to feel better.
洋蔥看起來糟透了,但我卻開始好起來。Another thing I read in the article was that onions and garlic placed around the room saved many from the black plague years ago.
They have powerful antibacterial, antiseptic properties.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
兩個人一起走進了民政部門。 ¬
專門執行離婚夫婦的最後一頓晚餐,要不咱們到那兒去看看。” ¬
他點了點頭,兩人一前一後默默地走進了離婚酒店。 ¬
“請問兩位想吃點兒什麼?” ¬
他看了看她:“你點吧。” ¬
她搖了搖頭:“我不常出來,不太清楚這些,還是你點吧。” ¬
須要由 女士點先生平時最愛吃的菜,由先生點女士平時最愛吃的菜,
這叫‘最後的記憶’。” ¬
記住,都不要放蔥薑蒜,我先生……這位先生他不吃這些。” ¬
“就這些吧,其實這是我們兩個人都愛吃的。”她連忙打起了圓場。 ¬
她與她都點了點頭:“那就來冷飲吧。” ¬
全是冰渣;一份滿杯紅潤,冒著熱氣。 ¬
服務小姐介紹完退了下去。 ¬
包房裏靜悄悄的,兩個人相對而坐,一時竟不知道該說什麼好。 ¬
最後為女士送朵玫瑰吧。” ¬
努力拼搏;晚上, 為了增加收入,她去晚市出小攤,他去給人家刷盤子。很晚很晚,
她擺了擺手說:“不用了。” ¬
她買過一枝玫瑰了。他擺了擺手:“不,要買。” ¬
兩個人的飲料杯裏,玫瑰竟然溶解在了飲料裏。 ¬
服務小姐說完,轉身走了出去。 ¬
“XX,我……”他一把握住她的手,有些說不出話來。 ¬
一股煙味兒飄了進來。 ¬
“怎麼了?”兩個人急忙站了起來。 ¬
“老公!”她一下撲進了他的懷裏,“我怕!” ¬
“別怕!”他緊緊摟住她,“親愛的,有我呢。走,往外衝!” ¬
包廂外面燈光通明,秩序井然,什麼都沒有發生。 ¬
這是我們的第四道菜,名叫‘內心的選擇’。請回包廂。” ¬
她咬了咬嘴唇:“你願意嗎?” ¬
小姐,買單。”他說著喊了起來 。 ¬
他看著帳單,眼淚淌了下來。 ¬
“你怎麼了?”她連忙問道。 ¬
他把帳單遞給了她:“親愛的,我錯了,我對不起你。” ¬
這就是您的妻子。 ¬
這就是您的丈夫。 ¬
兩個人抱在一起,放聲痛哭。 ¬
兩個人一起走進了民政部門。 ¬
專門執行離婚夫婦的最後一頓晚餐,要不咱們到那兒去看看。” ¬
他點了點頭,兩人一前一後默默地走進了離婚酒店。 ¬
“請問兩位想吃點兒什麼?” ¬
他看了看她:“你點吧。” ¬
她搖了搖頭:“我不常出來,不太清楚這些,還是你點吧。” ¬
須要由 女士點先生平時最愛吃的菜,由先生點女士平時最愛吃的菜,
這叫‘最後的記憶’。” ¬
記住,都不要放蔥薑蒜,我先生……這位先生他不吃這些。” ¬
“就這些吧,其實這是我們兩個人都愛吃的。”她連忙打起了圓場。 ¬
她與她都點了點頭:“那就來冷飲吧。” ¬
全是冰渣;一份滿杯紅潤,冒著熱氣。 ¬
服務小姐介紹完退了下去。 ¬
包房裏靜悄悄的,兩個人相對而坐,一時竟不知道該說什麼好。 ¬
最後為女士送朵玫瑰吧。” ¬
努力拼搏;晚上, 為了增加收入,她去晚市出小攤,他去給人家刷盤子。很晚很晚,
她擺了擺手說:“不用了。” ¬
她買過一枝玫瑰了。他擺了擺手:“不,要買。” ¬
兩個人的飲料杯裏,玫瑰竟然溶解在了飲料裏。 ¬
服務小姐說完,轉身走了出去。 ¬
“XX,我……”他一把握住她的手,有些說不出話來。 ¬
一股煙味兒飄了進來。 ¬
“怎麼了?”兩個人急忙站了起來。 ¬
“老公!”她一下撲進了他的懷裏,“我怕!” ¬
“別怕!”他緊緊摟住她,“親愛的,有我呢。走,往外衝!” ¬
包廂外面燈光通明,秩序井然,什麼都沒有發生。 ¬
這是我們的第四道菜,名叫‘內心的選擇’。請回包廂。” ¬
她咬了咬嘴唇:“你願意嗎?” ¬
小姐,買單。”他說著喊了起來 。 ¬
他看著帳單,眼淚淌了下來。 ¬
“你怎麼了?”她連忙問道。 ¬
他把帳單遞給了她:“親愛的,我錯了,我對不起你。” ¬
這就是您的妻子。 ¬
這就是您的丈夫。 ¬
兩個人抱在一起,放聲痛哭。 ¬
Sunday, October 4, 2009
不殺生又能驅趕 螞蟻, 蚊子, 蟑螂的妙法
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
一个卖米的商人,他的粮仓里常常有老鼠来偷吃他的米粮,令他非常苦恼。 于是,他买了一只花猫,把它养在粮仓,并保证只要它能捉到老鼠,就会给它奖赏。 第二天,花猫捉到了一只小老鼠,把它交给主人。主人把吃剩的鱼骨头丢给花猫,说“大老鼠吃了我较多的米粮,小老鼠吃得较少,捉十只小老鼠也比不上一只大老鼠的贡献。所以你的功劳小,只能吃鱼骨头。” 第三天,又有一只小老鼠来偷米粮。花猫心想:“捉了它也不能领功,只能吃别人剩下的鱼骨头,不如把他养在粮仓里,等它肥大时才把它交给主人。”
于是,花猫便任由老鼠在粮仓里偷吃米粮。 过了一段时间,这只老鼠吃得又肥又大,花猫便把它捉去见主人,说:“这只大老鼠吃了你大量的米粮啊!我费了好大的力气才捉到它。” 主人见老鼠的体型像花猫那么大,非常高兴,立刻奖赏了花猫两条大鲤鱼,并鼓励它说:“你的功劳真大!希望你以后捉更多这样大的老鼠。” 从此以后,花猫继续在粮仓里养老鼠。大老鼠一只又一只地交给主人,米粮却一天比一天少,主人却始终不明白其中的原因。 有时候我们容易被表面的东西所欺骗,以致没有意识到自己的错误。所以我们要把事情弄清楚,不要一味的听信别人所说的话。
米商是政府,花猫是部长,老鼠是贪官。 就是因为花猫般的态度,贪污问题越来越严重,官僚问题越来越猖狂,政府永远不知道问题出在那里。 米商是政府,花猫是政府部门的首脑,他们都不处理无功赏的小问题,只等小问题变成灾难时,才来成立皇家调查委员会。 在政坛在官场,老鼠总是越来越肥,花猫总是领奖
于是,花猫便任由老鼠在粮仓里偷吃米粮。 过了一段时间,这只老鼠吃得又肥又大,花猫便把它捉去见主人,说:“这只大老鼠吃了你大量的米粮啊!我费了好大的力气才捉到它。” 主人见老鼠的体型像花猫那么大,非常高兴,立刻奖赏了花猫两条大鲤鱼,并鼓励它说:“你的功劳真大!希望你以后捉更多这样大的老鼠。” 从此以后,花猫继续在粮仓里养老鼠。大老鼠一只又一只地交给主人,米粮却一天比一天少,主人却始终不明白其中的原因。 有时候我们容易被表面的东西所欺骗,以致没有意识到自己的错误。所以我们要把事情弄清楚,不要一味的听信别人所说的话。
米商是政府,花猫是部长,老鼠是贪官。 就是因为花猫般的态度,贪污问题越来越严重,官僚问题越来越猖狂,政府永远不知道问题出在那里。 米商是政府,花猫是政府部门的首脑,他们都不处理无功赏的小问题,只等小问题变成灾难时,才来成立皇家调查委员会。 在政坛在官场,老鼠总是越来越肥,花猫总是领奖
Friday, September 11, 2009
上帝把兩群羊放在草原上,一群在南,一群在北。 上帝還給羊群找了兩種天敵,一種是獅子,一種是狼。
上帝對羊群說:「如果你們要狼,就給一隻,任它隨意咬你們。 如果你們要獅子,就給兩頭,你們可以在兩頭獅子中任選一頭,還可以隨時更換。」
好吧! 記住你的選擇,接著往下看。
南邊羊想,獅子比狼兇猛得多,還是要狼吧! 於是,它們就要了一隻狼。
北邊羊群只好把兩頭獅子不斷更換。可兩頭獅子同樣凶殘,換哪一頭都比南邊羊群悲慘得多,它們索性不換了,讓一頭獅子吃得膘肥體壯,另一頭獅子則餓得精瘦。 眼看那頭瘦獅子快要餓死了,羊群才請上帝換一頭。
這頭瘦獅子經過長時間的飢餓後,慢慢悟出了一個道理:自己雖然兇猛異常,一百隻羊都不是 對手,可是自己的命運是操縱在羊群手裡的。羊群隨時可以把自己送回上帝那裡,讓自己飽受飢餓的煎熬,甚至有可能餓死。
羊群喜出望外,有幾隻小羊提議乾脆固定要瘦獅子,不要那頭肥獅子了。 一隻老公羊提醒說:「瘦獅子是怕我們送它回上帝那裡挨餓,才對我們這麼好。
領悟到了嗎? 握有決定權的才有生機,否則只有任人宰割的份兒了…! (網路信件)
上帝對羊群說:「如果你們要狼,就給一隻,任它隨意咬你們。 如果你們要獅子,就給兩頭,你們可以在兩頭獅子中任選一頭,還可以隨時更換。」
好吧! 記住你的選擇,接著往下看。
南邊羊想,獅子比狼兇猛得多,還是要狼吧! 於是,它們就要了一隻狼。
北邊羊群只好把兩頭獅子不斷更換。可兩頭獅子同樣凶殘,換哪一頭都比南邊羊群悲慘得多,它們索性不換了,讓一頭獅子吃得膘肥體壯,另一頭獅子則餓得精瘦。 眼看那頭瘦獅子快要餓死了,羊群才請上帝換一頭。
這頭瘦獅子經過長時間的飢餓後,慢慢悟出了一個道理:自己雖然兇猛異常,一百隻羊都不是 對手,可是自己的命運是操縱在羊群手裡的。羊群隨時可以把自己送回上帝那裡,讓自己飽受飢餓的煎熬,甚至有可能餓死。
羊群喜出望外,有幾隻小羊提議乾脆固定要瘦獅子,不要那頭肥獅子了。 一隻老公羊提醒說:「瘦獅子是怕我們送它回上帝那裡挨餓,才對我們這麼好。
領悟到了嗎? 握有決定權的才有生機,否則只有任人宰割的份兒了…! (網路信件)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Blacklist - most dangerous company in Malaysia
In addition to the recent highlight by the mass media, here is some good compilation of suspicious business scams.
1. The Cafe Scams - Island Red Cafe & Stevens Corner
(strange, both in Pandan Indah) - Island Red Cafe collects members RM6,000 each and promised 5% return every month and even give you a name in the ROC as a shareholder but what's the point when they run away? Stevens Corner, the famous indian coffee shop follows due to drop of business since their renovation. They collect RM3,000 per member and promise return of RM150 monthly and plans to open nice fanchisee cafe called StevensTeaGarden. Someone mentioned they will make you sign an agreement that give them the rights NOT to pay you anything in future. If you really wish to join, ask for a copy of their agreement and consult your lawyer BEFORE paying them. Bet you will NOT get a copy. Both collect monies from new members with MLM recruitment schemes and pay the old members like Sunshine Empire. You never know when they will run away.
2. Sunshine Empire
This licensed and legal Company has an impressive office at the ground level of KUB building along Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, near Menara Public Bank and AmBank Building . They also have a showroom office at the ground level in the next building. 3 or 4 months ago, Singapore's Straits Times and The Paper published big news reminding their people to be careful and NOT to believe in them. Hope someone can put up the link or> google for it.(As expected, they STOPPED paying back members now and all investors LOST their money).
Someone below has put a link to the Singapore news. In fact there are more to it. Although Singapore is investigating them, they did not stop their business as the business is legal and so far, no Singaporean have failed to receive their commissions as promised. Thus, the government cannot stop them yet. The news published that the founder, director and group president is someone named James Phang but he is NOT the owner. Isn't this quite strange ? At the end of the game, James Phang can just disappear from the Company easily and claimed that he was just "employed". Such trick always happened in scam businesses. Now, the Company has STOPPED paying commissions and interests to members with the excuse that the Singapore government has freezed their bank account while under investigation. Do you think their boss will be so stupid to keep much monies in the bank to be freezed? They are all transfered away. It's just an excuses not to> pay back to members and members are only paid "e-bonus-points" which is cashless. If they wish to> convert to cash, they have to recruit new members to pay them cash and the recruiter less out trom the amount. So victims act like Vampires and "forced" to victimise other victims if they wish to get their monies back. And their victims will later transform to vampires and the scam carries on…..
3. MobilWallet
This Company owned by 2 young men, Stanley & Rey Gan, office in Queens Avenue Park has collect multi-millions the last 2 years. Claimed that they tied up with Telekoms, Utility Board payment like Water & Electricity bills, even Maybank got fooled by them. Advertisement Billboards everywhere. They STOPPED paying back their members few months ago and the members cannot do anything because they are made to sign an agreement unaware that they have to claims if the company stopped paying them by CHANGING terms and policies.
4. Water Business - Oxygenated and Alkaline Water Products
Some of these are bottled water and some are filters or equipment that claimed the trick..One of the better known Company that sold "oxygen" water is SITO (supposed to stand for Selangor International Trading Organiszation and claimed Selangor State Government owned some share in it). The key person and founder is a Dato Robert Ong from Rawang but his name is no longer in the business now. Their products are sold for RM2 to RM3 for a 350ml bottle and now concentrating mostly in the Indian market. Their Chinese and Malays market are long gone since a year or 2 ago. Their customers are made to believe that their water has more oxygen and able to give miraculous effects for the body. Water is H2O, how to put more O into it ? Anyone knows how much oxygen do we breathe into our body everyday at FOC ? Latest news is that this SITO Company is going to create new label to market under a new Company since the SITO name has already gone bad. Someone informed that this Company is owing alot of money(due to refunds) to ex-stockists but just refuse to pay them. (Latest news, SITO shifted to another place and their MLM business has closed but planning to start again with a different name, beware!!)
Alkaline Products - Can anyone explain how it can work for the body ? The stomach's gastric liquid is so acidic that water of any pH that goes through it will not make any difference.
5. Car Fuel Booster - K-Link
K-Link, the famous scam MLM Company that sold the footpatch TAKARA, later the "cock-ring" and energy-card launched the patrol-saving pills last year. Got so hot that even grocery shops are selling for them.. Recently many of these cars that used the pills are rushing to the workshops to clean the residual. Few months ago, another MLM Company launched a fuel booster gadget, claimed that saves up to 20% fuel, that is attached to the cigarette lighter. Started off well using binary plan but businese begin to fade now and most users find it NOT effective.
6. Perfumery Products
(eg. Lampe Berger & Bel Air)(more details later). Lampe Berger is not so hot now in the neighbouring countries but there are still new victims every month in Malaysia .. Must thanks to those who have contributed and kept the thread alive here in Kopitiam. Bel-Air have closed in Malaysia .. LB is almost zero in Singapore . This perfumery product from France with over 100 years history is just bottles and fragrance (check the factory's website) but the Company marketing them in Asia claimed "aromatheraphy" products. Hong Kong TVB aired a program that exposed their scam but their members claimed that HK's TVB already apologised to them. Note that the biggest strenght in a MLM Scam is their members will go all way out to lie in order to defend for their Company. The reason is simple; these members fear that they will not be able to make their money back if the Company collapsed. Knowing that the Lampe Berger products are moving slow, they add a line of skincare products named Estebel, also claime to have over 100 years history in France. (Hardly anymore Chinese newcomers, they are now tapping the Malays in Malaysia.)
7. Energy Products
(eg. stone pendants, bracelets, mattress and pillows). They use all sorts of gimmicks and demonstration to make you into believing them. They will do some tricks and demo to prove that these products really produce energy BUT is there any tricks in their demo? So what if there really produce energy; is it good or strong enough to help the body? The effect is actually PLACEBO which I will elaborate in a new thread soon. (More details later.)
8. Hi-Tech Products
Names like bio-tech, nano-tech that claimed millions of dollars of research involved, eg Bio-Young and XKL few years ago. Most of these will claimed a professor behind them (even with name and picture of a person) or used words like "U.S.A. formula", "German Technology" or "Nanotechnology" and no further details (more details later). If you ask for more details like the professor or factory's address, the answer will be "trade secrets".
9. Investment Schemes
SWISSCASH is the King of all. Swisscash is nearly over now but there are many similar and smaller ones that are still on. (Now, it's closed or stopped paying back members.)
10. GoldQuest
This Company that claimed to be HK-based started with some non-value gold-plated coins that are sold for over RM2,000 have several names and changed products several times. QuestVacation, QuestNet, etc. They have several offices in Amcorp Mall, PJ and their key person (in fact, the owner), a Malaysian Indian was arrested last year in Indonesia for having involved in a very big Phillipines scam. Most of their overseas offices are closed or inactive but their Malaysia business is still hot, with some "energy" products. (Can someone please provide a link which showed the news that their boss was involved in a big scam in Philippines and was arrested in last year?)
11. Numerogy & Fortune Telling
A Company named Visible is using MLM to sell fortune telling classes using your birthday based on numerology fortune telling. Prpspects will be told that they need to buy a certain "number" between 1 to 9 in the form of pendants or bracelets made of stainless steel and sold from RM600 to RM20,000. Customers, or rather victims are mostly females from rural areas. Very hot in Penang now and a number of spin-off Companies have started.
12. MJ - Life
MJ-Life - This Company boost of a very big background with many many years of history which is NOT true. Their people or associates may be long in business but nothing to do with their MLM launched recently. Why do I consider it a scam or bad? New members are told to pay a sum of money (up to RM1000) and you get NOTHING for it. You only get a membership can entitle you to enjoy all sorts of special price and discounts when you have medical check-ups in their centres.. They will claim all those check-ups cost more if done elsewhere. It's not true. Only the naive and those new to medical check-ups will fall victims to them. Most members who paid the money ended up with nothing.
13. Seaweed Venture Scams
1 such Company is located in Taman Maluri, Cheras. They will ask you to invest a few thousands ringgits for their venture of growing seaweeds in East Malaysia and you are guaranteed returns. To gain your confidence further, they will tell you your investment money is secured by "insurance" or "unit trusts" & "trustees". When you ask for further documents to prove, they will give all sorts of excuses or just ignore you because they know they cannot get you. These Seaweed scam is one of the hottest now, warn all your friends about it before they are victimised.
14. MXM (Previously MGM)
This is a master scam among the younger group, very successful 2 or 3 years ago but since there moved to their big 10-storey office at Phileo Damansara and changed name to MXM, their business dropped. They collect members RM3,000 to RM4,000 with credit card monthly easy payment and in return you get a hospital benefits insurance from Pacific Insurance worth only a few hundred RMs together with some you-don't-need medical check-ups from their associate Company Pathlab. Also talk about fitness, lifestyles bullshit that is all worthless.
15. Gano Excel
This company from the north, a copycat of DXN selling Lingzhi capsules created a new Company called Gano iTouch to cash-in on the internet like e-Cosway after their Company went down the drain since the last 2 years, selling Linzhi and some no-value energy pendants and alkaline water gadgets. They provide free transport every weekend from KL to visit their Alor Star office.
16. NuLife (HK)
This Company started by some HK people has been in Malaysia for more than 10 years but they have flopped in HK and Malaysia due to bad management and a product scam making use of a prosecuted American named Dr Jeffrey Bland, found guilty of false products claim. Since this case in the US leaked out and many Malaysians found out that the real boss in HK is a Steven Tang (he cheated many Malaysians in another scheme about 20 years ago) their business went down all the way. Now they claim Malaysian partners cheated them and start a new Company in Malaysia . Watch out, this new Company will come out with some investment scheme idea that will get many to lose their money.
17. Arowana Fish Breeding
Oora from Germany , Biofuel (Kompleks Maluri) etc - These are some newer scams. Arowana fish venture ask you to invest some money and give you fixed return. Biofuel will tell you their Indonesia connections (just like Sunshine Empire before using Taiwan) & Oora from Germany(I never trust those cruel Germans) that market some bio-chips and a gadget that claims to give energy and therapeutic effects of accupunture, tai-chi, yoga, etc depending how you set the toy-like gadget, wear it on your body and you get the effect later. They could not explain or provide any demonstration to prove their effectiveness. Only doctors and papers claim that I will never trust. The health effect is actually PLACEBO, which I will elaborate in a different thread.
1. The Cafe Scams - Island Red Cafe & Stevens Corner
(strange, both in Pandan Indah) - Island Red Cafe collects members RM6,000 each and promised 5% return every month and even give you a name in the ROC as a shareholder but what's the point when they run away? Stevens Corner, the famous indian coffee shop follows due to drop of business since their renovation. They collect RM3,000 per member and promise return of RM150 monthly and plans to open nice fanchisee cafe called StevensTeaGarden. Someone mentioned they will make you sign an agreement that give them the rights NOT to pay you anything in future. If you really wish to join, ask for a copy of their agreement and consult your lawyer BEFORE paying them. Bet you will NOT get a copy. Both collect monies from new members with MLM recruitment schemes and pay the old members like Sunshine Empire. You never know when they will run away.
2. Sunshine Empire
This licensed and legal Company has an impressive office at the ground level of KUB building along Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, near Menara Public Bank and AmBank Building . They also have a showroom office at the ground level in the next building. 3 or 4 months ago, Singapore's Straits Times and The Paper published big news reminding their people to be careful and NOT to believe in them. Hope someone can put up the link or> google for it.(As expected, they STOPPED paying back members now and all investors LOST their money).
Someone below has put a link to the Singapore news. In fact there are more to it. Although Singapore is investigating them, they did not stop their business as the business is legal and so far, no Singaporean have failed to receive their commissions as promised. Thus, the government cannot stop them yet. The news published that the founder, director and group president is someone named James Phang but he is NOT the owner. Isn't this quite strange ? At the end of the game, James Phang can just disappear from the Company easily and claimed that he was just "employed". Such trick always happened in scam businesses. Now, the Company has STOPPED paying commissions and interests to members with the excuse that the Singapore government has freezed their bank account while under investigation. Do you think their boss will be so stupid to keep much monies in the bank to be freezed? They are all transfered away. It's just an excuses not to> pay back to members and members are only paid "e-bonus-points" which is cashless. If they wish to> convert to cash, they have to recruit new members to pay them cash and the recruiter less out trom the amount. So victims act like Vampires and "forced" to victimise other victims if they wish to get their monies back. And their victims will later transform to vampires and the scam carries on…..
3. MobilWallet
This Company owned by 2 young men, Stanley & Rey Gan, office in Queens Avenue Park has collect multi-millions the last 2 years. Claimed that they tied up with Telekoms, Utility Board payment like Water & Electricity bills, even Maybank got fooled by them. Advertisement Billboards everywhere. They STOPPED paying back their members few months ago and the members cannot do anything because they are made to sign an agreement unaware that they have to claims if the company stopped paying them by CHANGING terms and policies.
4. Water Business - Oxygenated and Alkaline Water Products
Some of these are bottled water and some are filters or equipment that claimed the trick..One of the better known Company that sold "oxygen" water is SITO (supposed to stand for Selangor International Trading Organiszation and claimed Selangor State Government owned some share in it). The key person and founder is a Dato Robert Ong from Rawang but his name is no longer in the business now. Their products are sold for RM2 to RM3 for a 350ml bottle and now concentrating mostly in the Indian market. Their Chinese and Malays market are long gone since a year or 2 ago. Their customers are made to believe that their water has more oxygen and able to give miraculous effects for the body. Water is H2O, how to put more O into it ? Anyone knows how much oxygen do we breathe into our body everyday at FOC ? Latest news is that this SITO Company is going to create new label to market under a new Company since the SITO name has already gone bad. Someone informed that this Company is owing alot of money(due to refunds) to ex-stockists but just refuse to pay them. (Latest news, SITO shifted to another place and their MLM business has closed but planning to start again with a different name, beware!!)
Alkaline Products - Can anyone explain how it can work for the body ? The stomach's gastric liquid is so acidic that water of any pH that goes through it will not make any difference.
5. Car Fuel Booster - K-Link
K-Link, the famous scam MLM Company that sold the footpatch TAKARA, later the "cock-ring" and energy-card launched the patrol-saving pills last year. Got so hot that even grocery shops are selling for them.. Recently many of these cars that used the pills are rushing to the workshops to clean the residual. Few months ago, another MLM Company launched a fuel booster gadget, claimed that saves up to 20% fuel, that is attached to the cigarette lighter. Started off well using binary plan but businese begin to fade now and most users find it NOT effective.
6. Perfumery Products
(eg. Lampe Berger & Bel Air)(more details later). Lampe Berger is not so hot now in the neighbouring countries but there are still new victims every month in Malaysia .. Must thanks to those who have contributed and kept the thread alive here in Kopitiam. Bel-Air have closed in Malaysia .. LB is almost zero in Singapore . This perfumery product from France with over 100 years history is just bottles and fragrance (check the factory's website) but the Company marketing them in Asia claimed "aromatheraphy" products. Hong Kong TVB aired a program that exposed their scam but their members claimed that HK's TVB already apologised to them. Note that the biggest strenght in a MLM Scam is their members will go all way out to lie in order to defend for their Company. The reason is simple; these members fear that they will not be able to make their money back if the Company collapsed. Knowing that the Lampe Berger products are moving slow, they add a line of skincare products named Estebel, also claime to have over 100 years history in France. (Hardly anymore Chinese newcomers, they are now tapping the Malays in Malaysia.)
7. Energy Products
(eg. stone pendants, bracelets, mattress and pillows). They use all sorts of gimmicks and demonstration to make you into believing them. They will do some tricks and demo to prove that these products really produce energy BUT is there any tricks in their demo? So what if there really produce energy; is it good or strong enough to help the body? The effect is actually PLACEBO which I will elaborate in a new thread soon. (More details later.)
8. Hi-Tech Products
Names like bio-tech, nano-tech that claimed millions of dollars of research involved, eg Bio-Young and XKL few years ago. Most of these will claimed a professor behind them (even with name and picture of a person) or used words like "U.S.A. formula", "German Technology" or "Nanotechnology" and no further details (more details later). If you ask for more details like the professor or factory's address, the answer will be "trade secrets".
9. Investment Schemes
SWISSCASH is the King of all. Swisscash is nearly over now but there are many similar and smaller ones that are still on. (Now, it's closed or stopped paying back members.)
10. GoldQuest
This Company that claimed to be HK-based started with some non-value gold-plated coins that are sold for over RM2,000 have several names and changed products several times. QuestVacation, QuestNet, etc. They have several offices in Amcorp Mall, PJ and their key person (in fact, the owner), a Malaysian Indian was arrested last year in Indonesia for having involved in a very big Phillipines scam. Most of their overseas offices are closed or inactive but their Malaysia business is still hot, with some "energy" products. (Can someone please provide a link which showed the news that their boss was involved in a big scam in Philippines and was arrested in last year?)
11. Numerogy & Fortune Telling
A Company named Visible is using MLM to sell fortune telling classes using your birthday based on numerology fortune telling. Prpspects will be told that they need to buy a certain "number" between 1 to 9 in the form of pendants or bracelets made of stainless steel and sold from RM600 to RM20,000. Customers, or rather victims are mostly females from rural areas. Very hot in Penang now and a number of spin-off Companies have started.
12. MJ - Life
MJ-Life - This Company boost of a very big background with many many years of history which is NOT true. Their people or associates may be long in business but nothing to do with their MLM launched recently. Why do I consider it a scam or bad? New members are told to pay a sum of money (up to RM1000) and you get NOTHING for it. You only get a membership can entitle you to enjoy all sorts of special price and discounts when you have medical check-ups in their centres.. They will claim all those check-ups cost more if done elsewhere. It's not true. Only the naive and those new to medical check-ups will fall victims to them. Most members who paid the money ended up with nothing.
13. Seaweed Venture Scams
1 such Company is located in Taman Maluri, Cheras. They will ask you to invest a few thousands ringgits for their venture of growing seaweeds in East Malaysia and you are guaranteed returns. To gain your confidence further, they will tell you your investment money is secured by "insurance" or "unit trusts" & "trustees". When you ask for further documents to prove, they will give all sorts of excuses or just ignore you because they know they cannot get you. These Seaweed scam is one of the hottest now, warn all your friends about it before they are victimised.
14. MXM (Previously MGM)
This is a master scam among the younger group, very successful 2 or 3 years ago but since there moved to their big 10-storey office at Phileo Damansara and changed name to MXM, their business dropped. They collect members RM3,000 to RM4,000 with credit card monthly easy payment and in return you get a hospital benefits insurance from Pacific Insurance worth only a few hundred RMs together with some you-don't-need medical check-ups from their associate Company Pathlab. Also talk about fitness, lifestyles bullshit that is all worthless.
15. Gano Excel
This company from the north, a copycat of DXN selling Lingzhi capsules created a new Company called Gano iTouch to cash-in on the internet like e-Cosway after their Company went down the drain since the last 2 years, selling Linzhi and some no-value energy pendants and alkaline water gadgets. They provide free transport every weekend from KL to visit their Alor Star office.
16. NuLife (HK)
This Company started by some HK people has been in Malaysia for more than 10 years but they have flopped in HK and Malaysia due to bad management and a product scam making use of a prosecuted American named Dr Jeffrey Bland, found guilty of false products claim. Since this case in the US leaked out and many Malaysians found out that the real boss in HK is a Steven Tang (he cheated many Malaysians in another scheme about 20 years ago) their business went down all the way. Now they claim Malaysian partners cheated them and start a new Company in Malaysia . Watch out, this new Company will come out with some investment scheme idea that will get many to lose their money.
17. Arowana Fish Breeding
Oora from Germany , Biofuel (Kompleks Maluri) etc - These are some newer scams. Arowana fish venture ask you to invest some money and give you fixed return. Biofuel will tell you their Indonesia connections (just like Sunshine Empire before using Taiwan) & Oora from Germany(I never trust those cruel Germans) that market some bio-chips and a gadget that claims to give energy and therapeutic effects of accupunture, tai-chi, yoga, etc depending how you set the toy-like gadget, wear it on your body and you get the effect later. They could not explain or provide any demonstration to prove their effectiveness. Only doctors and papers claim that I will never trust. The health effect is actually PLACEBO, which I will elaborate in a different thread.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
All Malaysian base DNS server are blocking the website now. So the solution is open source DNS server and HTTP/CGI base proxy. Here are four easy ways to get around and END ALL INTERNET CENSORSHIP in Malaysia and else where for that matter:
1) The easiest and best way to change your DNS in TCP/IP setting (see detail instructions below) to use Open DNS IP Address. They are: and and then you can surf the Gutter Uncensored and any other blocked website without the need for any proxy site.This is the easiest and best way because you only need to do it once. And then you can view GutterUncensored.com and any other blocked website for that matter.
For Windows XP users:
1. Click Start, click Control Panel, click Network and Internet Connections, and then click Network Connections.
2. Right-click the network connection that you want to configure (the one that connect you to the Internet), and then clickProperties.
3. On the General tab (for a local area connection), or theNetworking tab (for all other connections), click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) from the list, and then click the Propertiesbutton.
4. You do not want to obtain DNS server addresses from a DHCP server, click Use the following DNS server addresses.
5.Enter and then click OK.And you are done!
For Windows Vista users:
1. Click Start, click Control Panel, click Network and Internet, and then click Network and Sharing Center.
2. Click Manage network connections from the list of tasks.
3. Right-click the network connection that you want to configure (the one that connect you to the Internet), and then clickProperties.
4. On the General tab (for a local area connection), or theNetworking tab (for all other connections), click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) or Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) from the list, and then click the Properties button.
5. Select Use the following IP address.
6.Enter and then click OK.And you are done!
2) You can still access the website easily using HideMyAss proxy website along with tens of thousand other such proxy sites.This is the most common way to get around the Internet censorship. First you need to find a proxy site, there are over 30,000 some better than others. Use Google or Yahoo to search for "free proxy list" and chose a proxy after clicking on one of the search results. Click on it from the list of proxies and when the page open you will need to enter the blog's URL "http://www.gutteruncensored.com" in the blank field then press enter. And you are done!Here is a short list of web proxy sites. You can search for others because there are over 30,000 more. http://bypassanything.com/ or https://proxyplace.net/ or https://proxify.com/ or http://www.hidemyass.com/ or http://miniproxy.org or http://ibypass.net/
3) You can use the UltraSurf program. It is free and easy to use.
UltraSurf allows you to overcome the local censorship and blockage of the Internet. You can browse any website freely and anonymously, so as to obtain true privacy and information from the free world.
It can be found here:http://www.ultrareach.com/
And you are done!
1) The easiest and best way to change your DNS in TCP/IP setting (see detail instructions below) to use Open DNS IP Address. They are: and and then you can surf the Gutter Uncensored and any other blocked website without the need for any proxy site.This is the easiest and best way because you only need to do it once. And then you can view GutterUncensored.com and any other blocked website for that matter.
For Windows XP users:
1. Click Start, click Control Panel, click Network and Internet Connections, and then click Network Connections.
2. Right-click the network connection that you want to configure (the one that connect you to the Internet), and then clickProperties.
3. On the General tab (for a local area connection), or theNetworking tab (for all other connections), click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) from the list, and then click the Propertiesbutton.
4. You do not want to obtain DNS server addresses from a DHCP server, click Use the following DNS server addresses.
5.Enter and then click OK.And you are done!
For Windows Vista users:
1. Click Start, click Control Panel, click Network and Internet, and then click Network and Sharing Center.
2. Click Manage network connections from the list of tasks.
3. Right-click the network connection that you want to configure (the one that connect you to the Internet), and then clickProperties.
4. On the General tab (for a local area connection), or theNetworking tab (for all other connections), click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) or Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) from the list, and then click the Properties button.
5. Select Use the following IP address.
6.Enter and then click OK.And you are done!
2) You can still access the website easily using HideMyAss proxy website along with tens of thousand other such proxy sites.This is the most common way to get around the Internet censorship. First you need to find a proxy site, there are over 30,000 some better than others. Use Google or Yahoo to search for "free proxy list" and chose a proxy after clicking on one of the search results. Click on it from the list of proxies and when the page open you will need to enter the blog's URL "http://www.gutteruncensored.com" in the blank field then press enter. And you are done!Here is a short list of web proxy sites. You can search for others because there are over 30,000 more. http://bypassanything.com/ or https://proxyplace.net/ or https://proxify.com/ or http://www.hidemyass.com/ or http://miniproxy.org or http://ibypass.net/
3) You can use the UltraSurf program. It is free and easy to use.
UltraSurf allows you to overcome the local censorship and blockage of the Internet. You can browse any website freely and anonymously, so as to obtain true privacy and information from the free world.
It can be found here:http://www.ultrareach.com/
And you are done!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
接下来,再在〈独立新闻在线〉读到陈文华揭露如何被反贪委员会盘问,调查官员极尽恐吓威胁之能事;如此对待一名市议员,甚至比犯人也不如,这个国家是极权的共产主义国度吗?更糟糕的竟然还是调查官员不允许陈文华坐着「协助调查」(这是好听说词,哪有人如此对待协助者),还指着他的眉心,开口大骂他「CINA BODOH!」。
接下来,再在〈独立新闻在线〉读到陈文华揭露如何被反贪委员会盘问,调查官员极尽恐吓威胁之能事;如此对待一名市议员,甚至比犯人也不如,这个国家是极权的共产主义国度吗?更糟糕的竟然还是调查官员不允许陈文华坐着「协助调查」(这是好听说词,哪有人如此对待协助者),还指着他的眉心,开口大骂他「CINA BODOH!」。
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Thursday, June 18, 2009
燙傷處理新法 !
★ 未破皮處之燙傷處理 (熱水、熱湯、熱油、摩托車煙管、蒸氣燙傷)
燒傷如果沒有馬上降溫與止痛,未來的心路歷程是可想而知。 當燙傷時第一時間不是很痛,是因為身體有百分之 0.9 的鹽會繼續吸皮膚發炎的熱,但會變成越來越灼熱痛,只要我們馬上用 大量的鹽 把熱吸過去就不痛了,因為鹽有吸熱和滲透的特性,民俗廟會過火撒鹽就是這個原理。
像一般家庭小燙傷:沖水後用很厚的鹽再用濕的面紙敷蓋(以防止鹽掉了),偶爾加水!只要離開鹽不痛約三小時就好! 不需敷藥也沒有留下疤痕。 (註:皮膚未破皮,用大量的鹽沒有關係!)
燒傷如果沒有馬上降溫與止痛,未來的心路歷程是可想而知。 當燙傷時第一時間不是很痛,是因為身體有百分之 0.9 的鹽會繼續吸皮膚發炎的熱,但會變成越來越灼熱痛,只要我們馬上用 大量的鹽 把熱吸過去就不痛了,因為鹽有吸熱和滲透的特性,民俗廟會過火撒鹽就是這個原理。
像一般家庭小燙傷:沖水後用很厚的鹽再用濕的面紙敷蓋(以防止鹽掉了),偶爾加水!只要離開鹽不痛約三小時就好! 不需敷藥也沒有留下疤痕。 (註:皮膚未破皮,用大量的鹽沒有關係!)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Cancer Cure
Under weakly alkaline condition, cancerous cells will not be able to grow, or even to survive.在弱鹼性體質的狀態下,癌細胞是無法生長、甚至是無法生存的。 Actual case studies, very important, please read patiently and pass this on.實案例,很重要,請耐心看完,請轉寄哦!!
Even if you have read this before, you should reread this, especially the list of acidic and alkaline foodstuff , best to read several times and remember..即使看過了還是要再看,尤其下面的酸鹼性食物最好多 看幾次,就可以記住了
Please read this article in full patiently, it will be helpful to your health.請耐心看完這篇文章,對自身健康很有幫助 More than 30 years ago, a Mr Zhang who worked in the public sales department of a Taipei Brewery, participated in the brewery overseas study selection examination, and passed with flying colours.三十多年前有一位服務於公賣局台北啤酒廠的張先生,參加該啤酒場選派技術人員到國外深造的考試,以優異 的成績及格。
Before going overseas during the physical examination at a public hospital, it was discovered that he had a tumour growth in his lung the size of a child's fist, and therefore was not able to go overseas to study.在出國前經某公立醫院體檢發現,罹患有像小孩拳頭大 小的肺部腫瘤,因而不能出國。
The greatly disappointed Mr Zhang had always been suspicious that the diagnosis was wrong. So he went to another hospital for a check-up, the result confirm that previous diagnosis was not in error.張先生非常失望之餘,一直懷疑診斷有誤;於是再到另 一家醫院檢查,結果還是證實原來的診斷並無錯誤。
For the youthful and healthy Mr Zhang to be stricken down with such terminal illness, in his despair, he rang his old classmate who at the time was Taidong County Government, Huangsun County Mayor's secretary, Mr Wei.當時年輕力壯的張先生得到這樣的絕症,在人生絕望之餘,多次打電話給當時任職台東縣政府黃順興縣長機要秘書的魏姓同學。 Mr Wei rushed to Taipei during his rest day on a Sunday to see Mr Zhang.魏姓同學便利用星期日趕到台北和張先生見面,
Mr Zhang discussed with Mr Wei in detail his despair and pessimism, and entrusted his friend regarding his affairs after his death. Coincidentally, Mr Wei was a good friend of Dr Lu Geling, who was in charge of the Maijie Hospital, 1945-55, and specialised in the clinical research into cancer cases..張先生向魏同學詳述相關絕望的詳情和悲觀感受,並請位同學協助其後事,恰逢魏同學與前任馬偕醫院院長1949-55年專精於癌症臨床研究的呂革令博士係知交好友。 He immediately suggested that Mr Zhang go to see Dr Lu for treatment. At first, Mr Zhang said he preferred not to see anymore doctors, so as not to add further to his misery.當即建議前往訪求呂博士醫治,起初張先生說不願再看醫生,以免徒增傷悲; But Mr Wei told him that he had telephoned Dr Lu before to seek his advice and arranged an appointment. Mr Zhang felt obligated and went with Mr Wei to meet Dr Lu.但魏同學說先前已以電話請教過呂博士並安排好時間,張先生只好偕同前往呂博士住處造訪。
When Dr Lu met with Mr Zhang, Dr Lu said: ' Mr Wei is a friend and introduced you and I to get to know each other. This is destiny. Thank you. Let me ask you do you know why is cancer referred to as terminal illness?'呂博士和張先生見面就說:「魏先生是我的好友,介紹你和我認識是我們緣份,感謝。我請教你:『癌為什麼叫絕症,你可知道嗎?』」 Both Mr Zhang and Mr Wei did not know how to answer..張先生和魏先生都不知道如何作答。
Dr Lu explained: 'There are only two approaches taken by humans to treat cancer to-date. The first is to destroy the source of the disease. The second is to increase the capability to fight the disease.呂博士又說:「人類醫治癌症到目前為止只有兩條路,第一條路是消滅病源,第二條路是增加抵抗力。
But the strange thing is that, whether we use Cobalt 60 or other drugs to destroy the cancer cells, before the cancer cells are killed, the good cells are destroyed first.但很奇怪的是,癌無論用鈷60或其他藥物去消滅癌細胞,可是癌細胞還沒被消滅,好的細胞卻先被殺死。 On the other hand, no matter what nutrients or supplements we use, before the good cells have a chance to absorb them, the cancer cells have taken them up and it simply speeds up the growth of cancer.另無論用什麼營養、補藥,好的細胞還未吸收,癌細胞卻先吸收、讓癌長得更快;
Therefore both approaches are doomed to failure, that is why cancer is terminal.'因此可說上述兩條路都行不通、所以叫絕症。」
Dr Lu continues: 'Human beings are most clever, they have successfully landed on the moon. But why is it no one ever questioned the above two approaches for treating cancer which are nothing but self defeating dead-ends, and try to seek a third avenue?呂博士又說:「人類的聰明連登陸月球也都已經成功,但為什麼沒有人去懷疑上述兩條治癌的路是在鑽牛角尖,另外找第三條路? When I was conducting clinical research in Majie Hospital , I had many opportunities to work with and being helped by many colleagues in the Hospital. I discovered that the blood tests of 100% of the cancer patients showed that the blood samples are acidic.我以往在馬偕醫院做癌症临床實驗,並得院內各部同仁協助的機會,我發現癌症病人血液檢查的結果百分之百都是酸性反應。
Those Buddhist monks and nuns who are long term vegetarians and live very close to Nature, their blood are prevalently weakly alkaline and amongst them, there has yet to discover any cancer cases.長期素食、且生活接近自然的佛寺僧尼,由於體質都偏屬優質弱鹼性,所以尚沒有發現罹患癌症的病例。 Therefore, I boldly concluded that under weakly alkaline condition, cancer cells are not able to grow, or even to survive. Mr Zhang, I would suggest that starting from now you reduce your intake of the acidic meaty dishes.因此我大膽的斷定在弱鹼性體質的狀態下,癌細胞是無法生長、甚至是無法生存的。
張先生我建議你從現在起少吃酸性的葷食類,多吃鹼性食物,另外可吃綠藻和帶殼菱角湯,改變你的體質,並勵行接近自然的良好生活規律;如果五年內不死、你就沒問題了,祝福你。」 Take more of the alkaline food. In addition you can take green algae and soup made from water chestnuts with skin, modify your physical condition, and try seriously to have a regular life style which is close to Nature; If you can manage to stay alive for five years, you should have no further problem. I wish you the best of luck.' Mr Zhang followed Dr Lu's suggestion and seriously altered his eating habits.張先生依照呂博士的建議,認真改變吃的習慣, Every day, he ate green algae, drank chestnut soup, be optimistic and did an appropriate amount of exercise, and went back to the same public hospital for a check up. It was discovered that not only that the tumour did not increase in size, on the contrary it showed signs of shrinking, and surprised the hospital staff conducting the check-up as a miracle. Five years later, the tumour had shrunk to such a state as to almost disappear.每天又吃綠藻、喝菱角湯,樂觀加上每天適當的運動,一年後再到同一公立醫院檢查結果,發現腫瘤不但沒有大、反而已呈現萎縮狀態,遂令醫院檢查人員驚為奇蹟,五年後竟完全處於萎縮、至近於消失狀態 。 After almost 40 years, presently Mr Zhang's health is totally normal, and living a very pleasant life.經過了將近四十年歲月,現在張先生的健康情況完全正常,生活起居甚為愉快。
Following Mr Zhang, a Mr Chen Tianshou, who was previously Head of the General Administration of the Taidong Provincial Hospital , was similarly diagnosed with lung cancer.繼張先生之後,有位前台東省立醫院總務課長陳添壽先生,同樣得到肺癌;
When Mr Wei heard of this, he told Mr Chen of the experience of Mr Zhang, and Mr Chen started to follow the instructions of Dr Lu to change his physical condition. The outcome was that he was able to recover fully from the cancer, just like Mr Zhang..魏先生得知後將張先生的經過轉告陳添壽先生,陳先生乃依照呂博士的建議進行改變體質,結果與張先生同樣癒癌症。
At that time, Mr Lu and his family have emigrated to the United States . After the two cases, he returned to Taiwan and met up with Mr Wei.那時呂博士全家已移民美國,事後呂博士回來台灣再與魏先生見面時, Mr Wei told Dr Lu about the experiences of Mr Zhang and Mr Chen, and suggested that let the two of them detailed their experiences to Dr Lu in person, so that Dr Lu could publish a report on his self cure body conditioning method.魏先生將張先生和陳先生的經過告訴呂博士,並提議由他們倆位親自向呂博士陳述,請呂博士發表其改變體質之自療成果報告。
Dr Lu very humbly replied:'I am too old, besides, I do not have any clinical records of the outcomes. I would ask that you tell your friends and relatives, if they are agreeable, then please continue this experience and spread the words ⋯⋯呂博士謙虛地回答說:我年事已大,且沒有臨床紀錄不能做為成果。請魏先生轉告親友,如果友人認同的話,請他們繼續做體驗並廣為宣導.........。」 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One should take care of oneself but should also be caring about others, 85% of cancer patients have acidic in their physical condition.關心自己也要關心別人,85﹪癌症病患屬於酸性體質 *** Blood of healthy persons is weakly alkaline in nature, with a pH of about 7.35 to 7.45 * 健康人的血液是成弱鹼性的,約是pH7.35~7.45左右
*** Babies' blood is also weakly acidic*嬰兒也是屬於弱鹼性的體質 ** As adults mature their blood becomes more acidic in nature*成長期的成人有體質酸化的現象
According to a study of 600 cancer patients, of their bodily fluid, 85% of the patients are acidic.根據一項六百位癌症病人體液分佈的研究,顯示85﹪癌症病患屬於酸性體質。 Therefore, how to maintain the weakly acidic nature of our body is the first step for moving far away from diseases.因此,如何使體質維持在弱鹼性就是遠離疾病的第一步。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Acidic physical conditions manifest itself in:酸性體質的生理表徵
1. Skin without lustre1.皮膚無光澤。2. Athlete's foot2.香港腳。3. Feeling tire even with very little exercise, and feeling sleep the moment one gets on to public buses3.稍做運動即感疲勞,一上公車便想睡覺。4. Easily out of breath going up and down stairs4.上下樓梯容易氣喘。5. Fat and with lower stomach protruding,5.肥胖、下腹突出。6. Move slowly and movement lethargic6.步伐緩慢、動作遲緩。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Why does the body physical condition turn acidic?為什麼會形成酸性體質? 1. Excessive intake of dairy acidic food1.過度攝取乳酸性食品a) meat, dairy products, eggs, beef, ham, etc are acidic fooda)肉類、乳酪製品與蛋、牛肉、火腿等皆屬於酸性食品。b) taking too much acidic food will cause the blood to become acidic and viscous, difficult to flow to the end of blood vessels, leading to cold feet or knee, stiff shoulders and insomnia.b)攝取過量的酸性食品血液會傾向酸性而變黏稠,不易流到細血管的末稍,而易造成手腳或膝蓋的冷寒症,以及肩膀僵硬和失眠等。c) When one is young and strong, taking suitable quantity of meat is appropriate, but older people it more suitable to have a diet which are primarily vegetables or small fish.c)年輕力壯時吃適量的肉類是對的,但老年人則以蔬菜或小魚為宜。 2. Irregularity in the pace of life will cause the body physical condition to become acidic2..生活步調失常會造成酸性體質a) Irregular pace in life will lead to mental and physical stressa)生活步調失常會造成精神與肉體的壓力。b) According to statistics, people who sleep late are more likely to have cancer than normal persons, by as much as 5 times.b)據統計,晚睡者罹患癌症的機率比正常人高出五倍。c) Human beings originally lead a life with regular tempo in this world, it is not possible to store up sleep or food and not possible to change the order of living by mixing up days and nights.c)人類本來就活在節奏的世界裡,無法事先儲備睡眠或飲食,也不能日夜顛倒。d) Human organs are controlled by the autonomic nerves, and during day time it is mainly sympathetic nerves activities, and at night it is mainly the parasympathetic nerves which are functioning, If this order is disturbed and reversed, then diseases will result.d)人體內臟受自律神經控制,白天主要是交感神經活動,晚上則由副交感神經工作,若使其錯亂及倒置,就亦百病滋生。
3. Emotion over tensed3.情緒過於緊張a) Civilised society brings stressesa)文明社會會造成的壓力。b) Job related or mental stressesb)工作上或精神上的壓力。c) A person suffers mental stress, when the stress is removed and the person relaxes, sometimes this may lead to death, referred to as the syndrome of imperfect adrenal cortex function.c)當一個人承受精神壓力後,一旦緊張鬆弛,時會造成猝死,稱為潛在性副腎皮質機能不全症。
4. Physical Stress4.肉體的緊張a) Before any operation it would be necessary to check to see if the renal cortex does function normally. If the adrenal cortex is lacking, or if the stress imposed by the operation exceeded the ability of adrenal cortex to cope, it could lead to death or other undesirable impacts.a)動手術之前應先檢查腎上腺皮質機能是否正常。如果副腎皮質機能較差,或手術壓力遠超過副腎調整功能,則可能造成病人死亡或其他不良影響。b) If it noted that patient's face is puffy, it would be necessary to inquire in detail the patient's medical history and medication status, for patients taking adrenal cortical hormone, extra care should be exercise when administering acupuncture.b)若發現病患臉部浮腫,需詳加詢問病史及服藥狀況,為長期服用腎上腺皮質賀爾蒙者,施以針灸要特別注意反應。c) Stress due to physical labour or exercise in excess, whole night card games, driving etc should be avoided as much as possiblec)勞動或運動過度,通宵打牌、開車等壓力都應盡量避免。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Appendix: Acidity/alkalinity of Common food stuff附錄:常見食物的酸鹼性 1. Strongly acidic food: egg yolk, cheese, cake make with white sugar or persimmon, mullet fish roe, dried cod.1強酸性食品:蛋黃、乳酪、白糖做的西點或柿子、烏魚子、柴魚等。
2. Mildly acidic food: ham, bacon, chicken meat, squid, pork, eel, beef, bread, wheat, butter, horse meat etc2.中酸性食品:火腿、培根、雞肉、鮪魚、豬肉、鰻魚、牛肉、麵包、小麥、奶油、馬肉等。
3. Weakly acidic food: white rice, peanut, beer, alcohol, oil fried tofu, sea weed, clam, octopus, catfish3.弱酸性食品:白米、落花生、啤酒、酒、油炸豆腐、海苔、文蛤、章魚、泥鰍。
4. Weakly alkaline food: red bean, radish, apple, cabbage, onion, tofu etc..4.弱鹼性食品:紅豆、蘿蔔、蘋果、甘藍菜、洋蔥、豆腐等。
5. Mildly alkaline food: dried radish, soya bean, carrot, tomato, banana, orange, pumpkin, strawberry, egg white, dried plum, lemon, spinach, etc.5.中鹼性食品:蘿蔔乾、大豆、紅蘿蔔、蕃茄、香蕉、橘子、南瓜、草莓、蛋白、梅乾、檸檬、菠菜等。
6. Strongly alkaline food: grape, tea leave, grape wine, kelp sprout, kelp, etc. Especially natural green algae which contain rich quantity of chlorophyll are very good alkaline health food, but tea should not be drunk in excess, and best to drink in the morning.6. 強鹼性食品:葡萄、茶葉、葡萄酒、海帶芽、海帶等。 尤其是天然綠藻富含葉綠素,是不錯的鹼性健康食品, 而茶類不宜過量,最佳飲用時間為早上。
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Even if you have read this before, you should reread this, especially the list of acidic and alkaline foodstuff , best to read several times and remember..即使看過了還是要再看,尤其下面的酸鹼性食物最好多 看幾次,就可以記住了
Please read this article in full patiently, it will be helpful to your health.請耐心看完這篇文章,對自身健康很有幫助 More than 30 years ago, a Mr Zhang who worked in the public sales department of a Taipei Brewery, participated in the brewery overseas study selection examination, and passed with flying colours.三十多年前有一位服務於公賣局台北啤酒廠的張先生,參加該啤酒場選派技術人員到國外深造的考試,以優異 的成績及格。
Before going overseas during the physical examination at a public hospital, it was discovered that he had a tumour growth in his lung the size of a child's fist, and therefore was not able to go overseas to study.在出國前經某公立醫院體檢發現,罹患有像小孩拳頭大 小的肺部腫瘤,因而不能出國。
The greatly disappointed Mr Zhang had always been suspicious that the diagnosis was wrong. So he went to another hospital for a check-up, the result confirm that previous diagnosis was not in error.張先生非常失望之餘,一直懷疑診斷有誤;於是再到另 一家醫院檢查,結果還是證實原來的診斷並無錯誤。
For the youthful and healthy Mr Zhang to be stricken down with such terminal illness, in his despair, he rang his old classmate who at the time was Taidong County Government, Huangsun County Mayor's secretary, Mr Wei.當時年輕力壯的張先生得到這樣的絕症,在人生絕望之餘,多次打電話給當時任職台東縣政府黃順興縣長機要秘書的魏姓同學。 Mr Wei rushed to Taipei during his rest day on a Sunday to see Mr Zhang.魏姓同學便利用星期日趕到台北和張先生見面,
Mr Zhang discussed with Mr Wei in detail his despair and pessimism, and entrusted his friend regarding his affairs after his death. Coincidentally, Mr Wei was a good friend of Dr Lu Geling, who was in charge of the Maijie Hospital, 1945-55, and specialised in the clinical research into cancer cases..張先生向魏同學詳述相關絕望的詳情和悲觀感受,並請位同學協助其後事,恰逢魏同學與前任馬偕醫院院長1949-55年專精於癌症臨床研究的呂革令博士係知交好友。 He immediately suggested that Mr Zhang go to see Dr Lu for treatment. At first, Mr Zhang said he preferred not to see anymore doctors, so as not to add further to his misery.當即建議前往訪求呂博士醫治,起初張先生說不願再看醫生,以免徒增傷悲; But Mr Wei told him that he had telephoned Dr Lu before to seek his advice and arranged an appointment. Mr Zhang felt obligated and went with Mr Wei to meet Dr Lu.但魏同學說先前已以電話請教過呂博士並安排好時間,張先生只好偕同前往呂博士住處造訪。
When Dr Lu met with Mr Zhang, Dr Lu said: ' Mr Wei is a friend and introduced you and I to get to know each other. This is destiny. Thank you. Let me ask you do you know why is cancer referred to as terminal illness?'呂博士和張先生見面就說:「魏先生是我的好友,介紹你和我認識是我們緣份,感謝。我請教你:『癌為什麼叫絕症,你可知道嗎?』」 Both Mr Zhang and Mr Wei did not know how to answer..張先生和魏先生都不知道如何作答。
Dr Lu explained: 'There are only two approaches taken by humans to treat cancer to-date. The first is to destroy the source of the disease. The second is to increase the capability to fight the disease.呂博士又說:「人類醫治癌症到目前為止只有兩條路,第一條路是消滅病源,第二條路是增加抵抗力。
But the strange thing is that, whether we use Cobalt 60 or other drugs to destroy the cancer cells, before the cancer cells are killed, the good cells are destroyed first.但很奇怪的是,癌無論用鈷60或其他藥物去消滅癌細胞,可是癌細胞還沒被消滅,好的細胞卻先被殺死。 On the other hand, no matter what nutrients or supplements we use, before the good cells have a chance to absorb them, the cancer cells have taken them up and it simply speeds up the growth of cancer.另無論用什麼營養、補藥,好的細胞還未吸收,癌細胞卻先吸收、讓癌長得更快;
Therefore both approaches are doomed to failure, that is why cancer is terminal.'因此可說上述兩條路都行不通、所以叫絕症。」
Dr Lu continues: 'Human beings are most clever, they have successfully landed on the moon. But why is it no one ever questioned the above two approaches for treating cancer which are nothing but self defeating dead-ends, and try to seek a third avenue?呂博士又說:「人類的聰明連登陸月球也都已經成功,但為什麼沒有人去懷疑上述兩條治癌的路是在鑽牛角尖,另外找第三條路? When I was conducting clinical research in Majie Hospital , I had many opportunities to work with and being helped by many colleagues in the Hospital. I discovered that the blood tests of 100% of the cancer patients showed that the blood samples are acidic.我以往在馬偕醫院做癌症临床實驗,並得院內各部同仁協助的機會,我發現癌症病人血液檢查的結果百分之百都是酸性反應。
Those Buddhist monks and nuns who are long term vegetarians and live very close to Nature, their blood are prevalently weakly alkaline and amongst them, there has yet to discover any cancer cases.長期素食、且生活接近自然的佛寺僧尼,由於體質都偏屬優質弱鹼性,所以尚沒有發現罹患癌症的病例。 Therefore, I boldly concluded that under weakly alkaline condition, cancer cells are not able to grow, or even to survive. Mr Zhang, I would suggest that starting from now you reduce your intake of the acidic meaty dishes.因此我大膽的斷定在弱鹼性體質的狀態下,癌細胞是無法生長、甚至是無法生存的。
張先生我建議你從現在起少吃酸性的葷食類,多吃鹼性食物,另外可吃綠藻和帶殼菱角湯,改變你的體質,並勵行接近自然的良好生活規律;如果五年內不死、你就沒問題了,祝福你。」 Take more of the alkaline food. In addition you can take green algae and soup made from water chestnuts with skin, modify your physical condition, and try seriously to have a regular life style which is close to Nature; If you can manage to stay alive for five years, you should have no further problem. I wish you the best of luck.' Mr Zhang followed Dr Lu's suggestion and seriously altered his eating habits.張先生依照呂博士的建議,認真改變吃的習慣, Every day, he ate green algae, drank chestnut soup, be optimistic and did an appropriate amount of exercise, and went back to the same public hospital for a check up. It was discovered that not only that the tumour did not increase in size, on the contrary it showed signs of shrinking, and surprised the hospital staff conducting the check-up as a miracle. Five years later, the tumour had shrunk to such a state as to almost disappear.每天又吃綠藻、喝菱角湯,樂觀加上每天適當的運動,一年後再到同一公立醫院檢查結果,發現腫瘤不但沒有大、反而已呈現萎縮狀態,遂令醫院檢查人員驚為奇蹟,五年後竟完全處於萎縮、至近於消失狀態 。 After almost 40 years, presently Mr Zhang's health is totally normal, and living a very pleasant life.經過了將近四十年歲月,現在張先生的健康情況完全正常,生活起居甚為愉快。
Following Mr Zhang, a Mr Chen Tianshou, who was previously Head of the General Administration of the Taidong Provincial Hospital , was similarly diagnosed with lung cancer.繼張先生之後,有位前台東省立醫院總務課長陳添壽先生,同樣得到肺癌;
When Mr Wei heard of this, he told Mr Chen of the experience of Mr Zhang, and Mr Chen started to follow the instructions of Dr Lu to change his physical condition. The outcome was that he was able to recover fully from the cancer, just like Mr Zhang..魏先生得知後將張先生的經過轉告陳添壽先生,陳先生乃依照呂博士的建議進行改變體質,結果與張先生同樣癒癌症。
At that time, Mr Lu and his family have emigrated to the United States . After the two cases, he returned to Taiwan and met up with Mr Wei.那時呂博士全家已移民美國,事後呂博士回來台灣再與魏先生見面時, Mr Wei told Dr Lu about the experiences of Mr Zhang and Mr Chen, and suggested that let the two of them detailed their experiences to Dr Lu in person, so that Dr Lu could publish a report on his self cure body conditioning method.魏先生將張先生和陳先生的經過告訴呂博士,並提議由他們倆位親自向呂博士陳述,請呂博士發表其改變體質之自療成果報告。
Dr Lu very humbly replied:'I am too old, besides, I do not have any clinical records of the outcomes. I would ask that you tell your friends and relatives, if they are agreeable, then please continue this experience and spread the words ⋯⋯呂博士謙虛地回答說:我年事已大,且沒有臨床紀錄不能做為成果。請魏先生轉告親友,如果友人認同的話,請他們繼續做體驗並廣為宣導.........。」 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One should take care of oneself but should also be caring about others, 85% of cancer patients have acidic in their physical condition.關心自己也要關心別人,85﹪癌症病患屬於酸性體質 *** Blood of healthy persons is weakly alkaline in nature, with a pH of about 7.35 to 7.45 * 健康人的血液是成弱鹼性的,約是pH7.35~7.45左右
*** Babies' blood is also weakly acidic*嬰兒也是屬於弱鹼性的體質 ** As adults mature their blood becomes more acidic in nature*成長期的成人有體質酸化的現象
According to a study of 600 cancer patients, of their bodily fluid, 85% of the patients are acidic.根據一項六百位癌症病人體液分佈的研究,顯示85﹪癌症病患屬於酸性體質。 Therefore, how to maintain the weakly acidic nature of our body is the first step for moving far away from diseases.因此,如何使體質維持在弱鹼性就是遠離疾病的第一步。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Acidic physical conditions manifest itself in:酸性體質的生理表徵
1. Skin without lustre1.皮膚無光澤。2. Athlete's foot2.香港腳。3. Feeling tire even with very little exercise, and feeling sleep the moment one gets on to public buses3.稍做運動即感疲勞,一上公車便想睡覺。4. Easily out of breath going up and down stairs4.上下樓梯容易氣喘。5. Fat and with lower stomach protruding,5.肥胖、下腹突出。6. Move slowly and movement lethargic6.步伐緩慢、動作遲緩。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Why does the body physical condition turn acidic?為什麼會形成酸性體質? 1. Excessive intake of dairy acidic food1.過度攝取乳酸性食品a) meat, dairy products, eggs, beef, ham, etc are acidic fooda)肉類、乳酪製品與蛋、牛肉、火腿等皆屬於酸性食品。b) taking too much acidic food will cause the blood to become acidic and viscous, difficult to flow to the end of blood vessels, leading to cold feet or knee, stiff shoulders and insomnia.b)攝取過量的酸性食品血液會傾向酸性而變黏稠,不易流到細血管的末稍,而易造成手腳或膝蓋的冷寒症,以及肩膀僵硬和失眠等。c) When one is young and strong, taking suitable quantity of meat is appropriate, but older people it more suitable to have a diet which are primarily vegetables or small fish.c)年輕力壯時吃適量的肉類是對的,但老年人則以蔬菜或小魚為宜。 2. Irregularity in the pace of life will cause the body physical condition to become acidic2..生活步調失常會造成酸性體質a) Irregular pace in life will lead to mental and physical stressa)生活步調失常會造成精神與肉體的壓力。b) According to statistics, people who sleep late are more likely to have cancer than normal persons, by as much as 5 times.b)據統計,晚睡者罹患癌症的機率比正常人高出五倍。c) Human beings originally lead a life with regular tempo in this world, it is not possible to store up sleep or food and not possible to change the order of living by mixing up days and nights.c)人類本來就活在節奏的世界裡,無法事先儲備睡眠或飲食,也不能日夜顛倒。d) Human organs are controlled by the autonomic nerves, and during day time it is mainly sympathetic nerves activities, and at night it is mainly the parasympathetic nerves which are functioning, If this order is disturbed and reversed, then diseases will result.d)人體內臟受自律神經控制,白天主要是交感神經活動,晚上則由副交感神經工作,若使其錯亂及倒置,就亦百病滋生。
3. Emotion over tensed3.情緒過於緊張a) Civilised society brings stressesa)文明社會會造成的壓力。b) Job related or mental stressesb)工作上或精神上的壓力。c) A person suffers mental stress, when the stress is removed and the person relaxes, sometimes this may lead to death, referred to as the syndrome of imperfect adrenal cortex function.c)當一個人承受精神壓力後,一旦緊張鬆弛,時會造成猝死,稱為潛在性副腎皮質機能不全症。
4. Physical Stress4.肉體的緊張a) Before any operation it would be necessary to check to see if the renal cortex does function normally. If the adrenal cortex is lacking, or if the stress imposed by the operation exceeded the ability of adrenal cortex to cope, it could lead to death or other undesirable impacts.a)動手術之前應先檢查腎上腺皮質機能是否正常。如果副腎皮質機能較差,或手術壓力遠超過副腎調整功能,則可能造成病人死亡或其他不良影響。b) If it noted that patient's face is puffy, it would be necessary to inquire in detail the patient's medical history and medication status, for patients taking adrenal cortical hormone, extra care should be exercise when administering acupuncture.b)若發現病患臉部浮腫,需詳加詢問病史及服藥狀況,為長期服用腎上腺皮質賀爾蒙者,施以針灸要特別注意反應。c) Stress due to physical labour or exercise in excess, whole night card games, driving etc should be avoided as much as possiblec)勞動或運動過度,通宵打牌、開車等壓力都應盡量避免。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Appendix: Acidity/alkalinity of Common food stuff附錄:常見食物的酸鹼性 1. Strongly acidic food: egg yolk, cheese, cake make with white sugar or persimmon, mullet fish roe, dried cod.1強酸性食品:蛋黃、乳酪、白糖做的西點或柿子、烏魚子、柴魚等。
2. Mildly acidic food: ham, bacon, chicken meat, squid, pork, eel, beef, bread, wheat, butter, horse meat etc2.中酸性食品:火腿、培根、雞肉、鮪魚、豬肉、鰻魚、牛肉、麵包、小麥、奶油、馬肉等。
3. Weakly acidic food: white rice, peanut, beer, alcohol, oil fried tofu, sea weed, clam, octopus, catfish3.弱酸性食品:白米、落花生、啤酒、酒、油炸豆腐、海苔、文蛤、章魚、泥鰍。
4. Weakly alkaline food: red bean, radish, apple, cabbage, onion, tofu etc..4.弱鹼性食品:紅豆、蘿蔔、蘋果、甘藍菜、洋蔥、豆腐等。
5. Mildly alkaline food: dried radish, soya bean, carrot, tomato, banana, orange, pumpkin, strawberry, egg white, dried plum, lemon, spinach, etc.5.中鹼性食品:蘿蔔乾、大豆、紅蘿蔔、蕃茄、香蕉、橘子、南瓜、草莓、蛋白、梅乾、檸檬、菠菜等。
6. Strongly alkaline food: grape, tea leave, grape wine, kelp sprout, kelp, etc. Especially natural green algae which contain rich quantity of chlorophyll are very good alkaline health food, but tea should not be drunk in excess, and best to drink in the morning.6. 強鹼性食品:葡萄、茶葉、葡萄酒、海帶芽、海帶等。 尤其是天然綠藻富含葉綠素,是不錯的鹼性健康食品, 而茶類不宜過量,最佳飲用時間為早上。
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Thursday, April 30, 2009
一. 每日约一杯(50毫升),年纪大的人每次20毫升左右;
二. 每日饮一至两次;
三. 浸过酒的洋葱片一起食用更好;
四. 不喝酒的人,可用两倍左右的开水稀释后饮用或每次倒入电锅内煮约4至5分钟,蒸发酒精后饮用。
五. 若然喜欢甜的,可加入一点蜂蜜。
让笔者告诉大家,其功效对膝盖! 疼痛、白内障、老人痴呆的效果相当惊人,日本非常流行。
一. 高血压的患者,饮了之后血压正常且安定,也会降低糖尿值,把血糖下降。
二. 最妙的是对老花眼也有很大的改善,饮用之后不用戴眼镜也可以阅读一般的周刊、杂志。
三. 每晚都要去几次厕所的夜晚频尿症,喝了两天之后,不可思议的完全恢复正常。
四. 每天夜里醒来,一直到天亮都不能再入睡的,不食安眠药不能入睡的不眠症,饮用之后也会全消除。
五. 眼睛疲劳和模糊不清,喝了之后第二天就没有问题了。
六. 对几乎无法治疗的白尿症,尿会混浊的喝了之后的也变得接近透明。
七. 经常肚子会胀,非常痛苦的便秘症,喝了之后第二天便恢复正常排便。
【洋葱可以预防胆固醇过高】 据哈佛医学院心脏科教授克多格尔威治博士指出,每天生吃半个洋葱,或喝等量的洋葱汁,平均可增加心脏病人约30%的HDL含量(HDL为高密度脂蛋白胆固醇,一种被认为有助于预防动脉粥状硬化的胆固醇,也是一种的好的胆固醇。)
【洋葱可以分解脂肪】 克多博士在自己的诊所里对病人进行实验,证明洋葱确有提升好胆固醇的疗效,不过洋葱煮得越熟,越不具效果。克多博士让诊所里的心脏病人每天吃洋葱,结果发现洋葱里所含的化合物也能阻止血小板凝结,并加速血液凝块溶解。所以,当你享用高脂肪食物时,最好能搭配些许洋葱,将有助于抵销高脂肪食物引起的血液凝块;所以说牛排通常搭配洋葱一起吃,是很有道理的。
【洋葱可以预防胃癌】 洋葱和大蒜、大葱、韭菜这些葱属蔬菜,因含有抗癌的化学物质,研究人员在中国山东省一个胃癌罹患率很高的地方所做的调查发现,当洋葱吃得越多,得胃癌的机率就越低。
【洋葱可以对抗哮喘】 洋葱含有至少三种抗发炎的天然化学物质,可以治疗哮喘。由于洋葱可以抑制组织胺的活动,而组织胺正是一种会引起哮喘过敏症状的化学物质;据德国的研究,洋葱可以使哮喘的发作机率降低一半左右。
【洋葱可以治疗糖尿病】 很久以前,洋葱就被用来治疗糖尿病,到了现代,医学也证明洋葱确实能够降血糖;而且不论生食或熟食,都同样有效果。原来洋葱里有一种抗糖尿病的化合物,类似常用的口服降血糖剂甲磺丁胺,具有刺激胰岛素合成及释放的作用。
【洋葱还有其他多种疗效】 洋葱的妙用还不止上述这些,在日常生活中,洋葱还可用来防治失眠:将切碎的洋葱放置于枕边,洋葱特有的刺激成分,会发挥镇静神经、诱人入眠的神奇功效。
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