Thursday, December 16, 2010

Penang Under PR

Having read it, forward it to all your contacts and ask them to do likewise, if you want to see the kind of change for the better Penang has undergone in just 2 years for the rest of Malaysia.

Only the rakyat can bring about the change for the better come general election 13.

If you want to see the rot to continue under the present government, delete this message and don't forward this message.

The choice is yours, just like in voting.

But please remember that your vote for change does really matter.


Sadly such news is never reported in the govt-controlled media, which focuses on the in-fighting within PR parties ...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
MPSP - from deficit to surplus

Slightly more than two years ago, Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Perai (MPSP) was ailing financially. Remember MPSP having to absorb responsibility for the white elephant called the Batu Kawan stadium built by the previous administration despite protests from local civil activists? Remember the over-priced spanking new MPSP building which cost them RM80 million when the same building could have been built at under RM40 million?

The MPSP was a different creature all together then. Then it was a creation of corrupt politicians (and their appointees) who wielded the reins of power in Penang . But thankfully not anymore since 2008.

Just to give you an idea about MPSP's finances, look at the chart below.

MPSP Surplus/(Deficit)
2000 - (RM5.1 million)
2001 - (RM31.2 million)
2002 - (RM36.7 million)
2003 - (RM39.0 million)
2004 - (RM48.9 million)
2005 - (RM57.1 million)
2006 - (RM5.4 million)
2007 - (RM5.1 million)
2008 - RM3.0 million
2009 - RM14.6 million
2010 - RM54.39 million (as at 4 October 2010)

Now tell me who are the better administrators, where public money is concerned and should be used for the public, and those who regard public money as "loot" to be shared amongst themselves and their cronies?

Imperfect as Pakatan Rakyat may be at the moment, at least they don't steal from us and the public's money is being protected and enhanced by appointed professionals! To the detractors of PR, yes I agree their problems may be unpalatable to many of us who yearn for meaningful change from race politics and self-interests but surely they are the ONLY choice when we only have a rock and a hard place to choose from, given the present electorate's indifference and ignorance.

Dear readers who have been asking me why I have been so silent on this blog about the shenanigans of the ongoing PKR polls and the call for the third force by prominent civil activists; time willing I will address this issue soon, but I foresee that it will require a long posting to truly explain my stand - it is that complicated. Hopefully, I will be able to address this issue soon once I get those nitty-gritty events which sap my free time out of the way first.

Rest assured, this blog will not shy away from difficult issues that needs addressing - personal preferences notwithstanding. Thank you for your patience.

By Romerz

PENANG EXCEEDED RM1 Billion in revenue in 2009 - 1st time in 52years

Convincing proof that voting for change can only bring good to the people.

Must really rid the country of the gutter rats and leeches who have sucked the country dry to the point of being bankrupt through corruption and power abuse.

Do you still want to continue to vote these parasites into power like it has been happening over the last 50 more years?


PENANG EXCEEDED RM1 Billion in revenue in 2009 - 1st time in 52 years

Congratulations to Penang!
Congratulations to all the People of Penang for voting in a better govt.

While Pahang which Governed by Barisan Nasional for past 52 years is facing bankruptcy.

Penang is praised by Global Anti-Corruption watchdog Transparency International for its anti corruptions efforts.

What makes Malaysia all of a sudden to be ranked on 47 out 180 countries ?
Answer : The Malaysian People made the right choice by denying 2/3 majority enjoyed by Barisan Nasional all this years. It’s a well check and balance by Pakatan on Barisan that led to this 47th position.

If Malaysians wants to enjoy this, then you should know what to do in the next election !!!

Anyway congrats to Pakatan Led by DAP in Penang . In just 18 months CM Lim turned around Penang into corrupt free State . Shame on BN & ex-CM Dr Koh of Gerakan.

As ex-Gerakan President Lim KY had said: "BN/Gerakan has lost Penang forever."

"RM 10 billion in losses from corruption per year is a huge sum and there must be greater commitment from the Federal government towards fighting corruption to ensure that 27 million Malaysians can benefit from this RM 10 billion dividend from successfully combating corruption."

Global anti-corruption watchdog ranks Malaysia 47th least corrupt, praises Penang< <,> >

GEORGE TOWN, Sept 24 – Global corruption watchdog, Transparency International (TI), has ranked Malaysia as the 47th least corrupt nation in the world and commended the island state of Penang for its anti-corruption efforts.

Denmark, New Zealand and Sweden was listed by TI as the top three least corrupt countries as measured by the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), which ranks countries in terms of the degree to which businessmen and country analysts perceive corruption to exist among public officials and politicians.

Singapore , Finland , Switzerland , Iceland , Netherlands , Australia and Canada rounded off the top least corrupt countries.

Malaysia came in 47th out of 180 countries in the index, tied with Hungary and Jordan .

The CPI is part of TI's Global Corruption Report (GCR) 2009 released yesterday.

In its report on Malaysia, TI highlighted the Malaysian practice of the "revolving door" whereby individuals move from government to business, or business to politics, and back again, and estimated that corruption could cost Malaysia as much as RM10 billion a year.

"Significant government participation in the private sector and considerable business participation in politics means that the movement of gatekeepers to players and players to gatekeepers has a negative influence on the concept of checks and balances," said TI.

"The complexity of the relationships between politics and the public and private sectors means that corruption may take place with impunity. Until drastic action is taken to separate the cozy relationship between government, business and politics, the anti-corruption effort will remain no more than a token gesture," said TI.

Penang chief minister Lim Guan Eng says he is "humbled" by the recognition by TI and added that he was concerned over the fact that that corruption could cost Malaysia as much as RM10 billion a year – an amount equivalent to 1 or 2% of GDP as pointed out by the GCR when it cited the findings of the special government business facilitation task force Pemudah and the World Bank.

Additional report contents that were of concern to Lim was Malaysia's per capita spending of only RM5 on anti-corruption efforts and the fact that only about 10%, or just 7,223 potential corruption cases, of the total 71,558 reported between 2000 and 2006 were investigated by the Anti Corruption Agency, the precursor of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, with a conviction rate of less than one percent.

"The GCR 2009 concluded that this illustration of the Malaysian government's inaction in the light of the serious corruption allegations, along with its seeming inability to catch the big fish instead focusing on the 'small fry', suggests that what anti-corruption efforts exist are mere tokens," said Lim.

"RM 10 billion in losses from corruption per year is a huge sum and there must be greater commitment from the Federal government towards fighting corruption to ensure that 27 million Malaysians can benefit from this RM 10 billion dividend from successfully combating corruption."

Lim also today announced that the state has managed to cut about RM36 million or 12% of in operating expenditure this year due to its efforts to curb corruption.

"Transparency International' s recognition of anti-corruption efforts by the Penang state government through CAT (Competency Accountability And Transparency) governance is backed up by savings of nearly 12 per cent of the 2008 Penang state budget of RM 36 million from operating expenditure. This RM 36 million savings has allowed the state government to carry out social programs and implement its people-oriented government," said Lim.

TI said that the Penang state is the first Malaysian state government to implement the open tender system for government procurement and contracts.

It also recognized the state government's directive barring administrators and state executive councilors from making any new land applications and efforts to attract professionals to serve on various boards, such as the Penang State Appeals Board.

"On behalf of the Penang state government, we feel humbled by the recognition given by a world renowned body such as Transparency International and would redouble efforts to ensure the anti-corruption reforms are institutionalized and ensure more professionals are appointed to key bodies. Fighting corruption generates savings for the people," said Lim.

He added that the two local authorities in Penang are expected to save another RM34 million over three years from a "transparent" negotiation over the price of solid waste disposal that reduced the rates agreed to by the previous Barisan Nasional administration by a further 42.4 per cent.

Lim said that the savings would go towards the state government's "3E" programme to "enable" the people with skills and knowledge so that they have an equal opportunity to create wealth, "empower" them with fundamental rights and basic freedoms, and "enrich" the people by sharing wealth and economic benefits.

Now it is Penang Boleh - Vote wisely for a better Malaysia.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


問:網路上有一則消息說:根據美國國家藥典( USP )規定,藥品一旦開罐,罐內所附的棉花和乾燥劑,就必須立刻丟棄,否則它們會因吸附水氣,成為藥罐內的一項污染源!我從未聽聞這項「常識」,還以為乾燥劑可以繼續保持藥品乾燥,請問這個說法是正確的嗎?

答:是的,藥罐內的棉花和乾燥劑,在開罐後就必須立刻丟棄 ! 否則可能吸附水氣,讓水氣留在藥罐內,反而易使藥品潮濕變質,而國人對這個常識相當缺乏。

藥罐未開封前,放置棉花的用意有二,一是避免運送過程的碰撞,讓藥品粉化,二是阻止水氣進入;乾燥劑則是防止若有少量水氣進入藥罐時,可將其吸附。但藥罐一旦開封,這兩個「幫手」反而會變成吸附水氣的「兇手」, ! 最好把它們丟掉,別繼續放在藥罐裡。


還要提醒的是,藥品開封後最好盡速服用,不要長期存放。要注意的是,藥罐上標示的保存期限是「未開封」狀態下的期限,一旦開封後,保存期限就會 ! 縮短;因此,吃不完的藥別因為怕浪費而留下來,因為吃了變質藥品不但不會治病,還可能傷身。

常識 !
根據美國國家藥典( USP ! )規定,藥品一旦開罐,罐內所附的棉花和乾燥劑,就必須立刻??棄否則它們會因吸附水氣,成為藥罐內的一項汙染源!

感謝朋友這項〝常識〞 我以前還以為乾燥劑可以繼續保持藥品乾燥。

Thursday, July 29, 2010
































Monday, May 31, 2010


It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases:
Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases.

1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water
2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minute
3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours
5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.
6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.

The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure/control/reduce main diseases:
1. High Blood Pressure (30 days)
2. Gastric (10 days)
3. Diabetes (30 days)
4. Constipation (10 days)
5. Cancer (180 days)
6. TB (90 days)
7. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st week, and from 2nd week onwards – daily.

This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.
It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine work in our life. Drink Water and Stay healthy and Active.

This makes sense ... The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals ...not cold water. Maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain...
For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you.
It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion.

Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine.
Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

A serious note about heart attacks:
· Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting,
· Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.
· You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack.
· Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.
· 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up.
· Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive...

A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it to everyone they know, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sore throat? An Amazing Sore Throat Remedy

This simple home remedy has worked 100% of the time for anyone that has tried it. Instead of suffering with a sore throat for a week or more, you can drive it away immediately, sometimes in less than a day. However, this remedy is not medical advice; it is a shared experience that really works! This site is not for profit; it's aim is simply to help people cure their sore throats.

The most common sore throat remedies for sore throat are usually over-the-counter sprays, lozenges and pastilles that are ineffective and smelly. The most common doctor-prescribed remedies are antibiotics, which take time to obtain, cost money and can have many negative side effects.

Most often, people waste time waiting while trying to figure out whether or not they really have a sore throat. By the time they realize they do have a sore throat, it's usually to the point that they are already suffering from serious sore throat pain, can barely speak, swallow or even eat.

This remedy is salt, and not just about gargling saltwater, it is actually about using common table salt as it is.

What you have to do is: tilt your head backwards and shake a little bit of salt straight into the back of your throat. Make sure you shake it straight into your throat, onto the base of your tongue and not over the middle or the tip your tongue (this way you will not suffer from any unpleasant taste). After that, do not swallow your saliva, just let the salt dissolve right there on the back of your throat, letting the salt stay there for as long as you possibly can. If you're using a salt shaker, shake 2 to 6 times depending how bad your sore throat is. If you're using a fast food style paper saltshaker, you should shake about 1/4 of the packet directly into your throat.

Also highly suggested, is to shake an even larger amount of salt into your throat right before you go to sleep for the night. During your sleep, without food or drink, bacteria thrive without any interruption to incubation and growth. Therefore, using salt while you are asleep can be extremely effective. Keep a salt shaker near your bed. If you wake up in the middle of the night feeling sore, you can shake some more salt into your throat.

Salt is a very old remedy that kills bacteria. In the old days they traditionally used salt to preserve meat and fish. Why? Because salt attracts water and attacks the bacteria cell walls, causing the bacteria to dehydrate and self-destruct in the process.

If your sore throat is really severe you can use salt as often as every 30 minutes. Use it as soon as you feel the first symptoms of a sore throat and the earlier you use it, the faster you’ll get rid of that sore throat.

Salt is available nearly everywhere. You can stop in to any fast food place on any street and grab some. Don’t wait around trying to figure out whether or not your sore throat is serious. Instead you can use this quick sore throat cure. As soon as you feel the first signs of a sore throat, use the salt immediately. Gargling salt water is not nearly as effective since the concentration of salt is not high enough to take care of the problem. Also, gargling water requires a cup of water and the time to dissolve the salt in it, yet more inconvenience that makes you wait for relief.

Not all sore throats are the result of a bacteria infection. Sometimes the cause is a virus, commonly known as influenza virus. Many times your sore throat starts as a viral infection which develops into a bacterial infection. Salt is intended to fight only the bacteria, not the virus. Therefore salt might not be totally effective if you are suffering from a viral throat infection. Nevertheless, you really have nothing to lose by using salt. According to experience, salt can be extremely effective in most all cases, depending on the cause of your sore throat.

A sore throat is also often the first stage of a common cold, also known as the Flu. First to arrive is the sore throat, followed by nasal congestion and coughing. If you can take care of it fast, you won't wear down your immune system fighting the sore throat and your immune system has more energy to fight the other cold symptoms. Therefore, using salt could also shorten the total duration of suffering from the common cold.

Everybody suffers from a sore throat every year. If you find this advice to be useful - feel free to share it with your friends - and send them a link to this site.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


二十年前某日黃昏有名看似大學生的男孩徘徊在台北街頭的一家自助餐店前。等到吃飯的客人大都離開了,他才面帶羞赧地走進店裡。 「請給我一碗白飯。謝謝!」男孩低著頭說。














終於那每次用餐只叫一碗白飯的男孩再度現身了。經過二十年艱辛的創業,男孩成功的建立了自己的事業王國 ,眼前這一切全都得感謝自助餐老闆夫妻的鼓勵與暗助。否則他當初根本無法順利完成學業。話過往事,老闆夫妻打算告辭,總經理起身對他們深深一鞠躬並恭敬地說:「加油喔!公司以後還須要靠你們幫忙。明天見!」



Monday, May 10, 2010

患了中風 如何保住老命!

遇到這種情形,千萬別慌,患者無論在什麼地方 …
《沒有固定穴道,大約距離手指甲一分之處。》 刺上去,
等十個手指頭都流出血來 《每指一滴》,
等十個手指尖兒都見血了 《豆粒似的一滴》。
如果大家都能記住這 《放血救命》的方法,

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Free Public DNS Servers

Below is the list of Free Public DNS Servers:

1. Google
2. ScrubIt

Public dns server address:
3. dnsadvantage

Dnsadvantage free dns server list:
4. OpenDNS

OpenDNS free dns server list:

Public Name server IP address:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Work Life Balance

30 second Speech by Bryan Dyson (CEO of Coca Cola)

" Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them - Work, Family, Health, Friends and Spirit and you're keeping all of these in the Air.

You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back.

But the other four Balls - Family, Health, Friends and Spirit - are made of glass.
If you drop one of these; they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for it."


Tuesday, March 16, 2010








还有一种百份百符合本土风味的,是斩钉截铁要实行某项据说惠及全民的政策,敲锣打鼓热烈推销、张灯结彩万事俱备之后,临出闸前却突然紧急刹车!本来打算在本季国会提呈二读、被第二财政部长形容为“有利于国家及全民” 的消费税法案,日前在国会召开前却临时喊停,原因是“政府需要更多时间与人民沟通”。已经提呈到国会一读之后,现在才突然想起要“收集人民的意见”?“准备好了”是他讲的;“还未准备好”也是他讲的,政府独有的思考逻辑与行事顺序,比浮云还难捉摸。



Cancer-fighting properties of papaya cited in tests

MIAMI (AFP) - Researchers said Tuesday that papaya leaf extract and its tea have dramatic cancer fighting properties against a broad range of tumors, backing a belief held in a number of folk traditions.

University of Florida researcher Nam Dang and colleagues in Japan, in a report published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, documented papaya's anti-cancer effect against tumors of the cervix, breast, liver, lung, and pancreas.
The researchers used an extract made from dried papaya leaves, and the effects were stronger when cells received larger doses of papaya leaf tea.
Dang and the other scientists showed that papaya leaf extract boosts the production of key signaling molecules called Th1-type cytokines, which help regulate the immune system.

This could lead to therapeutic treatments that use the immune system to fight cancers, they said in the February issue of the journal and released Tuesday by the university.

Papaya has been used as a folk remedy for a variety of ailments in many parts of the world, especially Asia.

Deng said the results are consistent with reports from indigenous populations in Australia and his native Vietnam.

The researchers said papaya extract did not have any toxic effects on normal cells, avoiding a common side effect of many cancer treatments.

Researchers exposed 10 different types of cancer cell cultures to four strengths of papaya leaf extract and measured the effect after 24 hours. Papaya slowed the growth of tumors in all the cultures.

Dang and a colleague have applied to patent the process to distill the papaya extract through the University of Tokyo.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

夢醒時分 The moment when dream is awakend...

2009-12-02 20:49b


I wonder you feel the same as me, all the sudden I realized
friends and relatives around me seems to get less and less.


Those years when the New Year drew near, all sorts of gathering
appointments almost completely filled the diaries, but this year
seems so quiet.


Even in nromal time, phone calls become less and less, face to
face meet up also become much less.


Perhaps, everybody is busy with their own tihings, or perhaps,
nowadays people prefer to stay in.


However, it is not entirely like this, thinking further, actually old
friends and relatives are not around any more. God bless, they
are still alive and well, they just left the country, Malaysia .


They have gone to China to set factory; ah Wang quit his
engineer job and migrated to Australia to set up his little food
store business, ah Fong left the local University went to Hong
Kong as a lecturer. 'Frog' went to Taiwan to pursue his second
career life. Others went to Americia , England , even Indonesia ...


At first, I thought these are individual cases, but gradually,
people around me realized the same, these are not individual
cases but a general symptoms of our society. they are not small
numbers but the pretty big indeed.


Department of Foreign Affairs released the figures earlier, it
confirmed the situation is real.


From March 2008 thru September 2009, a total of 300,000
Malaysian migrated to other countries, among them 200,000 left
between Jan - Aug 2009. (in 8 months)


Cummulatively, there are 2 million Malaysian migrated, this
figure is close to the number of Indonesian workers in Malaysia


The difference are, those migrated are mostly professional and
middle class people.


They have many reasons to leave: pursue career development, for
the future of their children, in search of better life and
environment... In one sentence, they lost hope of Malaysia .


50 years ago people said: Malaysia is very good, better than
Hong Kong and even Japan .


30 years ago people said: Malaysia is not bad, comparable to S.
Korea and Taiwan . (No mention of Hong Kong and Japan any more).


20 years ago people said: Malaysia can do la, at least better
than China and Thailand (Cannot compare with Taiwan and Korea lah)


10 years ago poeple said: No matter how bad Malaysia is, cannot
be worse than Vietnam and Indonesia ko-ah. ( China is already in
a different category).


Today, the economic growth rate of Vietnam and Indonesia already
far exceeded Malaysia , Social activity and intellectual
development of the country is also better, the gap between us
and them is closing up.


Why worry? there are still Philipines , Cambodia and Myanmar
behind us.


However, according to an economist who recently surveyed
Phillipines, he think in 20 years' time, Malaysia can replace
Phillipines to become the World exporter of Malaysian maids.


Over half the century, Malaysians live in the big old imperial
housing complex, closed up and survive on properties left behind
by the ancestor; continue to consume up social resources,
wasteful, and drive away talents; they never talk about
competitiveness, totally neglect productivity, and hate meritocracy.


When Asia economic storm hit in 1997, Malaysia closed their
doors, thinking we beautifully avoided a disaster, there even
think of themselves as genius, being able to handle the
situation so well.


However, just look at other countries in our neighbourhood, they
stand up, face the storm, and walk out of the storm. They
overhaul the system, improve the processes and march forward,
they moved up to a new level. And Malaysia , still walking on the spot.


Dear Malaysia , it's time to wake up! We are very very late now!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

FINANCE 101: Subprime Crisis - by Lin Peh, not suitable for those who can not take vulgar word

Subprime Crisis - Explained by Lin Peh Preface: Subprime Loan

In American, just like all the normal human being in the world, when they make any major purchases, they will always ask bank for loan. However, the sorhai american company always like to retrench people and thus the people there the income not very steady one. In Malaysia, when your income not steady you will loan money from AhLoong instead of BANK. But in america, their FBI very power so there is no Ahloong, instead their bank will loan money to all these not steady income people and this type of loan is called Subprime Loan.

Chapter One: How it started

About 10 years ago, all the commercial banks in American were promoting their loan with advertisement like

Since most Ang Mor are only "ada gaya" and "hao-lian" type of people, the bankers came out with special packages for these pokkai fellas. So, Ads like these were flying everywhere:

"No repayment for first 2 years"

"Want to be rich? Buy Property!"

"Money no enough? Borrow from me!"

"Zero down payment"

"Low rate guaranteed"

Wah! These packages are damn fierce wan! It basically tell people don't worry for the about repaying the loan because you may strike lottery before payment is due! In the event you don't strike lottery, you can still sell the house that you bought at higher price and pay everything and keep the gain!

Because of packages like this, many American (especially those who think if Black and become president of USA everything is possible) started to borrow money and buy house as INVESTMENT!

So, the banks business become very good, the accounts all look damn solid and all the bankers got huge bonus! But now.... got one problem... money all loan out but who can guarantee that these sorhais will be able to pay back when time comes?

Chapter Two: Investment Banks Also Want

After collecting his huge bonus, the CEOs of the commercial banks also need to do more creative works or else they will be fired soon. So, he went to see the bigger brother - Investment Bank!

For those of you who don't know, the Investment Bank in US is damn power wan! Their name also damn solid like Morgan Stanley, Lehman brothers, Goldman Sachs. The commercial bank CEOs objective is very simple, they want the Investment Bank to share share and join with them to play the game of Subprime Loan!

Even though the Investment Bank name power, their top management are also same like us eat full nothing to do one. So, they get all those economists, professors, even Nobel prize winners and together go to starbucks drink coffee and blow water.

After many rounds of talking cock, they concluded that these subprime loan is very risky but very exciting and profitable! Something like bank robbery! As a greedy bunch of motherfuckers working for greedy Investment Banks, they decided not to miss this great opportunity so, the Investment Banks are in!

Chapter Three: How The Investment Banks Play

Since Investment Banks are so power and big! They also decided to play it BIG! So, in order for them to raise all the fund to lend it out to those pokkai house owner, they issued something call CDO (Collateralized Debt Obligation). In line with the reputation of Investment Banks, the name CDO also power meaning no one understand! But Lin Peh tell you la, these CDO is actually something like Investment Banks borrow money from the some sorhais but the loan is guaranteed by those pokkai house owner's loan and their fucked up "very expensive" house. So, where to find such sorhai?

Chapter Four: Hedge Fund is the Real Sorhai?

In order to find the sorhais who are willing to put out such big sum of money for this type loan, the Investment Bankers did a lot of road show and even engage professionals to make their powerpoint presentation look solid.

After that, they invited groups and groups of sorhais to come listen to them talk cock, drink wine and see their powerpoint. When the powerpoint presentation said that the average return on CDO is approximately 12%, the saliva of the Hedge Fund managers started to drool, so they decided to put their money in and play the game also!

Before you jump into the conclusion that hedge fund are the sorhai, let's look at how the hedge fund got so much money....

The basic job function of hedge fund managers are killing each other at wall street without seeing any blood! They are the one who go around the world, screw peoples currency, stock markets, commodities so the CDO is only a small case la!

The hedge fund managers went around the world and look for low interest loan. For example, Japan interest rate has been very low since the day Karaoke machinese was invented. So, the hedge fund went to Japan and borrow at 1.5% which means, they just have to sign a few signatures, get the money from Japanese and then give to the investment banks and they can sit home masturbate and enjoy a net return of 10% without doing anything. With deal like that, the more they borrow, the more their return la! Do you still call them sorhai?

Chapter Five: Now, Everyone Can Be Rich!?

So, all the deals are now in place and the cash started to flow!

Strange thing does happen when you have such a huge system running - from the year 2001 to 2006, the real estate market in US was at a super boom ! Everyone was buying houses and make a lot of money! So, they were right about becoming a real estate tycoon without having to come out with a single cent ! So, from house owners to banks to investment banks to hedge fund all making money! Damn solid!

However, the investment bankers were not too happy when they see the hedge fund was making so much money from the CDO without having to do any donkey work. So, they got jealous and they themselves also invest in CDO! It is something like Ahloong themselves go borrow from another Ah Loong!

When that happened, the hedge fund managers see that the CDO was in such hot demand, they also became greedy and they pledge the CDO to banks so they can borrow more money to invest in more CDO and everyone just become richer and richer!

Chapter Six: Let's Insured Everything!

When the Investment Bankers see that the CDOs merry-go-round becoming so big round just like the Eye On Malaysia like that, they also got panic already. So, to play safe, they call the insurance company and tell the insurance company that they want to buy insurance for their CDOs!

Even though the insurance companies are generally greedy motherfuckers, they also not sorhai one. They study the track record of the CDOs and they charge the Investment Banks a heavy premium for it and give this type of policy an even more power name called Credit Default Swap (CDS)!

Since the hosuing market was ok, and everyone was still enjoying huge profit, the Insurance Companies too made very good money from these CDS in the last few years because they just sit there and collect premium without paying out anything!

That's WIN WIN SITUATION - just like what your teacher taught you in school!

Chapter Seven: Not The End Of Story

As usual, eveything that can generate income, people on the the wall street will create a unit trust fund for it. So, over the last few years, Many Unit Trust Fund that invest in CDS were created. However, in order to generate good sales for these Trust, these unit trusts must get good rating from the rating agency.

So, the people on wall street used their creativity to 100% and came out with a brand new idea - Assuming the companies already made $80 Billion in the CDS over the years, they will allocate a portion of it lets say $10 Billion to secured the Unit Trust Fund. Using the $10 Billion as 10% securities, the Fund will sell to the public $100 Billion of the Unit Trust.

That means, if the Fund lost money, the first 10% ($10 Billion) of the loses will be covered by the Insurance. But when it makes money, everything belongs to you! Good Deal or not? Therefore, the rating agency also give the fund AAA (highest) rating ! Since the deal is so good and with AAA rating somemore, everyone also bought! Old man bought! Young man bought! Pension fund bought! Education fund Bought! It was such good business, the Unit Trust decided to issue more Units to be sold! However, the problem is they never increase the $100 Billion securities! which also means the "reserve" for the losses has decrease from its original 10% to god knows what.

Chapter Eight: No Light At The End Of Tunnel

Just like Old chinese proverb said "Everything You Ate You Have To Vomit Out". The good time came to a stop by end of the year 2006 when the housing prices started to come down, people who bought houses found out there are no more buyers for the houses so they just defaulted on the loan and said F@*K IT !

The Bank try to lelong out those houses but could not find buyer. Citibank, Bank of America all reported huge loses. So, the bank all said F@&K IT!

Since Investment Banks has even bigger stake than the commercial banks in these loans, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers all reported even bigger losses. So, the Investment Banks also said F#$K IT!

When the Hedge Fund saw all the other fellas all f@#%*d, they also cannot escape and Hedge Fund Stake is even bigger! So, Hedge Fund said F@%K IT!

And of course, all the AAA rating Unit Trusts F#@$&D!

Now, Pension Fund F@#*%D! Education Fund F@#*%D! The share market F@#*%D! USA F@#*%D! Europe F@#*%D! Japan F@#*%D! Australia F@#*%D! The Whole World F@#*%D! Bush F@#*%D! McCain F@#*%D! Obama F@#*%D!